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pediRES-Q Update: July 2019

Greetings from the pediRES-Q Team!

News and Updates

  • Our amazing investigators and statisticians are busy developing 4 new abstracts for the Resuscitation Science Symposium (ReSS) which will be held right here in Philadelphia in November! Registration is NOW OPEN! Please click the link here to sign up. We look forward to seeing you all!

  • CALL for ABSTRACTS for SCCM! Email us and let us know what abstracts you would like us to help to develop and submit.

  • Registration is now open for the Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit, the first ever Summit formerly the Emergency Cardiovascular Care Update (ECCU). Register for the December 10-13 conference in Seattle Washington here:



  • The next pediRES-Q Teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13th. Agenda and details to follow.

  • ​We will be implementing a new method for role call to handle the load as our collaborative continues to grow. When you log on, only select sites will be given opportunities to speak and supply updates. Please use the BlueJeans chat box to indicate your attendance. This will save time so we can tackle everything on the agenda! Thank you for your participation and understanding.

  • If you have a specific event, are in need of troubleshooting, or want to engage in a particular topic with the collaborative please let Jamie Benfield ( know so we can get you on our agenda!



  • GOALS! Once a REDCap entry has been initiated, completion is due by the 15th of the following month (ex- Entry start on Jan. 2nd; completion due Feb 15th). Exceptions: Patient has not yet been discharged (Outcomes form will remain open); Cold Debriefing has not yet been conducted (Cold Debriefing form will remain open).

  • If you require REDCap assistance, log-in support, or any other questions regarding REDCap data management, please contact Jamie Benfield -

  • Please submit your data for Q2 2019, we will be aiming to send out the Quarterly Reports to all institutions by the end of the month.

  • If you do not already, follow us on Twitter at @pediRESQ!


Tech News - CPR Report Card App (Beta)

  • For sites using Zoll defibrillators and CPR data, we now offer a free to use online application for high-level analysis:


The graphics below depict data snapshots for June 2019. Sites have been de-identified for privacy purposes. If you have questions regarding individual site performance please contact Rich Hanna -

  • pediRES-Q Quarterly Enrollment: Per-quarter enrollment, split by age, over time.

  • pediRES-Q Cumulative Enrollment: Per-quarter enrollment, split by age, as a cumulative summation over time.

  • Cumulative Zoll Uploads: Total ZOLL file uploads for quality CPR analysis, as a cumulative summation over time.

  • Total Metrics, ROSC & SHD Gauges: As shown in the recent pediRES-Q Teleconference, a new dashboard is in development to display total entries, file uploads, institutions, and rates of ROSC and survival to hospital discharge*

  • ​* Note that these include all entries to REDCap, no differentiation between in and out of hospital arrests.

  • QI Bundle Activity: As shown in the recent pediRES-Q Teleconference, a new dashboard is in development displaying site QI Bundle participation. These pie charts show the number of sites with an active QI bundle program component according to the REDCap database.


Quarterly CPR Metrics: CCF, Depth, and Rate among age groups

(2015 to present [Q3-2019])

Feedback and recommendations for future reports welcome!

Please contact Rich Hanna.-

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