pediRES-Q News and Updates! July 2021
Hello and Happy Summer from the pediRES-Q Team!
Enrollment – June’s enrollment news!
Total number of events entered into pediRES-Q REDCap – 2160
Events with Zoll/CC data – 1048 (49%)
New entries (01June-30June 2021): 41
By Site:
Aichi – 1
Akron – 6
Bambino Gesu – 3
Cincinnati – 3
Comer – 3
John Hopkins – 1
KK Women and Children's – 1
Medical City – 6
Nationwide – 1
Riley – 2
Roosevelt Instituto Colombia – 9
Westmead – 2
Wisconsin – 1
The 2021 pediRES-Q Investigator’s Meeting will be held on Friday, Nov. 12th! (day before ReSS)!
We are planning a HYBRID event – you can choose to attend in person in Boston (site of ReSS) or participate virtually (details forthcoming).
Amazing Work by the pediRES-Q Investigators!
Abstracts Submitted:
Prevalence of Inappropriate Defibrillation Attempts during Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Gray J, Raymond T, Atkins D, Tegtmeyer K, Niles D, Nadkarni V, Dewan M for the pediRES-Q Investigators
Characteristics and Outcomes in COVID-19 Pediatric In-hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients. Lauridsen KG, Sweberg T, Haskell S, Gawronski O, Niles D, Dewan M, Skellett S, Duval-Arnould J, Bottari G, Nadkarni V, Sen A for the pediRES-Q Investigators
Manuscripts Submitted:
Association of Chest Compression Pause Duration Prior to E-CPR Cannulation with Cardiac Arrest Survival Outcomes. Lauridsen KG; Lasa JJ; Raymond TT; Yu P; Niles DE; Sutton RM; Morgan RW; Hazinski MF; Berg RA; Griffis H; Hanna R; Zhang X; Nadkarni VM, for the PediRES-Q Investigators. Submitted to Critical Care Medicine.
Pediatric In-hospital CPR Quality and Outcomes in Children with Congenital Heart Disease During Nights and Weekends. Yu P, Esangbedo I, Zhang X, Hanna R, Niles DE, Nadkarni V, Raymond T. Submitted to Congenital Heart Disease.
Manuscripts Accepted/Published!
Effect of Amplitude Spectral Area on Termination of Fibrillation and Outcomes in Pediatric Cardiac Arrest. Raymond TT, Pandit SV, Griffis H, Zhang X, Hanna R, Niles DE, Silver A, Lasa JJ, Haskell SE, Atkins DL, Nadkarni VM, Pediatric Resuscitation Quality Collaborative (pediRES‐Q) Investigators. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 Jun 15;10(12):e020353. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.020353. Epub 2021 Jun 5.
Submit your SCCM Abstract!
Deadline to submit your completed abstract to the pediRES-Q Manuscript Oversight Committee is 27July
The next pediRES-Q teleconference will be held on Tuesday, July 13th.
Teleconferences are held on the second Tuesday of every month:
3 pm Eastern time zone: Americas and Europe
7 pm Eastern time zone: Asia and Australia (new time as of July2021)
Email Cassie Simpson-Dukes ( if you would like to be added to the participant list.
pediRES-Q Data Tools
Access the pediRES-Q Dashboard to select your site ID and visualize your site's performance as compared to the entire pediRES-Q Collaborative! All data metrics are a live representation of the pediRES-Q REDCap database. This feature is password-protected and you must have special permissions to access.
Enrollment and Resuscitation Performance Data for the pediRES-Q Collaborative
Visit our Enrollment page for additional information.
Contact Dana Niles ( for questions or additional information.