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pediRES-Q News & Updates: February 2022!

Welcome our new pediRES-Q Sites!

  • Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY, US ~ PI, Ilana Harwayne-Gidansky, MD

  • Dell Medical Center, Austin, TX, US ~ PI, Dan Stromberg, MD

  • Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, CA ~ PI, Hayley Christian, MD

  • Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, US ~ PI, Allison Whalen, MD

What are your GOALS for 2022?!

Along with wishing everyone good health in 2022, at pediRES-Q, our goal is for EVERY cardiac arrest event entered into REDCap to be accompanied by the following:

  • Hemodynamic, Bedside Monitor Data!

    • Many sites have been working with Katie Graham and Kellimarie Cooper to get their GE and Bedmaster data uploaded to REDCap in an analyzable numeric format.

    • We are about to embark on an exciting partnership with Philips to download and convert all Philips bedside monitor data into a numeric format compatible with basic data analysis programs (MATLAB, R, etc.). Stay tuned for more details!

  • Chest Measurements!

    • Understanding the correlation between compression depth and a child or infant's actual chest diameter is a critical knowledge gap in the ability to inform compression guidelines. We need your commitment to gather this data!

    • pediRES-Q has a great job aid to help you and your team accurately measure and report this important information! Contact Dana Niles ( for any additional training or help.

  • Chest Compression Data via Defib/monitor (of course!)!

    • Continue to educate your staff on the placement and use of sensor-embedded defib pads during an arrest! Rolling Refresher training is a great way to make sure staff and clinicians are trained and prepared for any arrest.

Check out our latest publications!

Congrats to all of the investigators!

Yu, P., Esangbedo, I., Zhang, X., Hanna, R., Niles, D., Nadkarni, V., & Raymond, T. (2022). Paediatric In-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality and outcomes in children with CHD during nights and weekends. Cardiology in the Young, 1-10. doi:10.1017/S1047951122000099

Lauridsen KG, Morgan RW, Dewan M, Gawronski O, Sen AI for the pediRES-Q Investigators. In-hospital cardiac arrest characteristics, CPR quality, and outcomes in children with COVID-19. Resuscitation. 2021 Oct 18;169:39-40. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.10.013.

Quarterly Reports for 2021-Q4 are out!

  • All Site PIs should receive their Quarterly Report on/around 30 days after the close of the quarter.

  • A huge THANK YOU to Kellimarie Cooper for all of her hard work behind the scenes to get these out on time!

  • You can also access the pediRES-Q Dashboard to visualize your site's performance as compared to the entire pediRES-Q Collaborative! Select your Site ID and view your site’s current data metrics in the pediRES-Q REDCap database. This feature is password-protected – you must have special permissions to access.

Important Notice from ZOLL: Upgrade your R-Series Software!

The most current R Series® Software Version is 19.03. To check your current version, turn on your R Series and the version number will be displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. For more information about upgrading your R Series software, contact

This latest version allows detection and visual feedback on the CPR Dashboard for chest compressions down to 0.4 inches (1.02 cm). Previous versions only displayed compressions down to 0.75 inches (1.9 cm). Version 19.03 allows visual feedback for shallower compressions, as in those delivered to smaller infants, which also improves accuracy of displayed compression rate.

pediRES-Q Enrollment Overview

Below is a list summarizing the number of completed entries by site (Demographic and CPR Event data forms completed) for January 2022 (01Jan - 31Jan 2022) and Overall (2015 to current).

Entries that are in the process of being QA’d by the DCC are not included in this count.

Not all completed events have CC metric data.


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