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Pediatric Cardiac Arrest

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) guidelines recommend target values for selected CPR parameters related to rate and depth of chest compressions and ventilations, and avoidance of CPR-free intervals. However, pediatric resuscitation guidelines have largely been developed by expert clinical consensus, using data extrapolated from adult, animal, manikin, mechanical modeling, and pediatric radiological studies. There is a paucity of data collected from actual children in cardiac arrest, highlighting a major gap in the pediatric resuscitation knowledge base. In addition, there is scant data on the association of post-cardiac arrest care (PCAC) and patient outcomes after pediatric cardiac arrest.   


This study aims to create a clinical CPR Learning Laboratory with the following objectives:

Primary: Characterize the quality of CPR and post-cardiac arrest care delivered to children across a broad spectrum of international hospitals.


  1. Determine the association between quantitative CPR quality measures (depth, rate, compression release, flow fraction) and survival to hospital discharge.

  2. Determine the association of survival with site-specific post-cardiac arrest care (PCAC).​


Pediatric (gestational age 37 weeks to under 18 years) cardiac arrests requiring chest compressions for at least 1 minute are eligible for enrollment 

Primary Data Elements - Cardiac Arrest


Data collection for the cardiac arrest event requires that the following information and data be entered into our pediRES-Q REDCap database:


  • Basic demographic data: Age, gender, height, weight, etc.

  • Cardiac arrest information - in-hospital or out-of-hospital: Date/time of arrest, illness category, pre-existing conditions, immediate cause of event, medications and interventions provided, duration of event, etc.

  • Quantitative CPR data from recording monitor/defibrillator (ZOLL, Philips, Physio-control).

  • Physiologic monitoring data of arterial pressures, ETCO2, ECG, etc., as available.

  • Outcomes of event, survival outcomes, along with all GCS and PCPC scores.

  • Post-arrest monitoring and laboratory data (from 2 hours prior to, to 96 hours post-ROSC, if survived).


Visit our Document Library for the most recent versions of data collection forms and aids.

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