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Enrollment Information
Below is a snapshot of the pediRES-Q Database Dashboard with cardiac arrest data entered by participating sites.
Graphic images reflect:
Overall enrollment of pediatric cardiac arrest events entered into database and number of events that include quantitative chest compression data as recorded by monitor/defibrillators.
Quantitative chest compression metrics (rate, depth and fraction) as recorded by monitor/defibrillators.
Post-arrest care compliance as determined by guideline recommendations.
Utilization of QI bundle components at participating sites.
Feb2024 - overall | Feb2024-CCdepth | Feb2024 - CCrate |
Feb2024 - CCF | Feb2024 - PCAC | Feb2024 - QI |
Data as of 01Feb2024
Information reflected is a general summary of data as entered into the pediRES-Q REDCap database.
This data summary is not intended for research or reporting purposes
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