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Publication Oversight

Investigators in the pediRES-Q Collaborative have the responsibility to submit a Data Analysis and Manuscript Proposal Form to the Manuscript Oversight Committee prior to data analysis and/or development of any abstract, manuscript, or presentation on behalf of pediRES-Q. In performing the review, the Manuscript Oversight Committee will consider:


Quality, originality, and importance of the scientific hypothesis;

Scientific and statistical validity of the study design;

Resources required to complete the study;

Study conflict with other studies within and outside pediRES-Q to avoid inappropriate duplication.



Data and Manuscript Analysis Forms are located in the Document Library.

Submit your completed form to

pediRES-Q Manuscript Oversight Committee (MOC)

In 2023, we established a rotating yearly election and membership to the Manuscript Oversight Committee to not only provide high-quality feedback for manuscript requests, but to also help young investigators build reviewer experience and benefit from the expertise and mentorship of senior committee members.


MOC Executive Committee Members - 2023

Robert Berg (CHOP)

Maya Dewan (CCHMC)

Javier Lasa (UTSW)

Tia Raymond (Medical City Dallas)

Vinay Nadkarni (CHOP, Chair)


           Recommended Timeline for          

 Abstract Development and Submission 


MOC: Manuscript Oversight Committee

DCC: Data Coordinating Center (via pediRES-Q at CHOP)

Data and Manuscript Analysis Forms are located in the Document Library.

Submit your completed form to Abhay Ranganathan (

  Guidelines for Manuscripts, Writing Groups, and Authorship  

General Principles

  1. Authorship eligibility:  Priority and eligibility for authorship will be given to those investigators at sites that have contributed data.  Site PIs and Coordinators who have not contributed data will, in general, not be considered co-authors.  Exceptions can be granted for special circumstances at the request of the first or senior author of each manuscript, and should be discussed and approved by the MOC.  

  2. All site investigators will be recognized as part of the “pediRES-Q Collaborative” in all pediRES-Q publications with the byline "...for the pediRES-Q Investigators." (Note: with proper COI submission, this usually allows all of these investigators to be cited in PubMed as co-authors) 

  3. Local pediRES-Q collaborators at sites who are not site PI's or co-PI's will generally be acknowledged in an appendix of site participants appropriate to that manuscript (this will include acknowledgement of key research coordinators, key local  investigators or organizers of research at each institution) 

  4. All site investigators will be recognized with named authorship in at least one pediRES-Q publication (in addition to #1 above), provided they contribute as an author to that writing group. 

  5. First, second, third and senior authorship will be assigned to individuals who have done the most amount of work (ie. development and organization of protocol or tool, recruited many subjects, etc), and who have contributed intellectually to that specific manuscript.  These, for the most part, are individuals who have been working on the project over the past 2-3 years, and who have been involved from the inception of the project. 

  6. Prioritize young investigators as first, second and third authors, when possible and appropriate. 

  7. Attempt to appropriately attribute academic credit, with emphasis on acknowledgement of all involved (usually with most input from first and senior authors as to order) 

  8. MOC subcommittee to negotiate and mitigate disagreements among/between investigators about authorship

  9. Facilitate identification and management of Conflicts of Interest, if they arise.

  10. Assist with enforcement of timelines for analysis and publication of data. If any first author cannot complete the manuscript submission within 1 year following the end of data collection/closure of data collection and cleaning, then first authorship will be re-evaluated and potentially reassigned by the MOC.

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