pediRES-Q Update: January 2018

Happy New Year from the pediRES-Q Team!
Please be on the lookout for the next set of teleconferences scheduled for Tuesday, January 9th.
News and Updates
Thank you to everyone who participated in our teleconferences on December 12th. You can find the meeting minutes for the day on the pediRES-Q site here.
We would like to recognize that a number of entries to the database have been entered thanks to coordination between CHOP and Johns Hopkins. Thank you to Heather Newton and Jordan Duval-Arnould for all of their hard work.
At this time we have all of the information for the bedside monitors and central monitoring systems used by our collaborative sites. Thank you everyone for getting us this information, it will be immensely helpful in working to streamline data acquisition and usage.
A new website feature has been added by request allowing for collaborator comments on all Blog Posts. Please feel free to utilize it!
Be sure to explore our new pediRES-Q website here.
We would love to hear your feedback!
The graphic below depicts updated data snapshots for the month. These displays depict:
pediRES-Q Enrollment Tabulation: Tabulated breakdown of enrollment based on age groups and total entries. Additionally gives a depiction of Total CPR Duration per site.
Monthly Event Enrollment: Total enrollment, age-based enrollment, and CPR Minutes recorded over time.
Cumulative Event Enrollment: Total enrollment, age-based enrollment, and CPR Minutes recorded as a cumulative summation over time.
High Risk Checklist Usage: Events in the pediRES-Q database that were pre-identified using the High Risk Checklist; overall High Risk Checklist usage by each site.
QI Compliance: QI bundle participation (number of entries into REDCap by each site).
Outcomes: Number of events with ROSC and Survival-to-Hospital Discharge (SHD) over time.
The graphic below depicts CPR metric Data for all sites up to and including Q3 2017. These were shown in the last monthly update as well, be on the lookout for updated versions with the finalization of the Q4 quarterly reports!
The data is spread across the three age groups for metrics of Chest Compression Fraction (CCF), Depth, and Rate. Sites have been de-identified for privacy purposes.
Please contact Rich Hanna if you wish to inquire about your particular site's identification in these graphics.
These plots are similar to the quarterly reports sent out on 11/22, if your site did not receive this report please contact Rich Hanna.