pediRES-Q Update! Nov/Dec 2021

Hello from the pediRES-Q Team!
Important Notice from ZOLL: Upgrade your R-Series Software!
The most current R Series® Software Version is 19.03. To check your current version, turn on your R Series and the version number will be displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. For more information about upgrading your R Series software, contact
This latest version allows detection and visual feedback on the CPR Dashboard for chest compressions down to 0.4 inches (1.02 cm). Previous versions only displayed compressions down to 0.75 inches (1.9 cm). The new version allows visual feedback for shallower compressions, as in those delivered to smaller infants, which also improves accuracy of displayed compression rate.
2021 pediRES-Q Investigator’s Meeting!
The 2021 pediRES-Q Investigator’s Meeting was a hit! Conducted over 2 half-days, over 85 investigators and team members attended from around the globe! Recordings of the meeting are available via the Resources tab. You will need a passcode to enter: pediresq2021.
Please note that all information in the recordings is proprietary to the pediRES-Q Collaborative and are not for distribution to anyone outside of those invited to or participating in the 2021 Investigators Meeting. Taking screenshots of content for sharing or distribution is prohibited.
Amazing Work by our pediRES-Q Investigators!
Abstracts Presented at ReSS:
Winner of the 2021 Paul Dudley White International Scholar for the highest ranked abstract! Prevalence of Inappropriate Defibrillation Attempts during Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Gray J, Raymond T, Atkins D, Tegtmeyer K, Niles D, Nadkarni V, Dewan M for the pediRES-Q Investigators
Characteristics and Outcomes in COVID-19 Pediatric In-hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients. Lauridsen KG, Sweberg T, Haskell S, Gawronski O, Niles D, Dewan M, Skellett S, Duval-Arnould J, Bottari G, Nadkarni V, Sen A for the pediRES-Q Investigators
Post-Cardiac Arrest Care Delivery Varies Widely Across Institutions Belonging to the pediRES-Q Collaborative. Barreto JA, Wenger J, Dewan M, Topjian AA, Roberts JS
Manuscripts Published:
Dewan M, Parsons A, Tegtmeyer K, Wenger J, Niles D, Raymond T, Cheng A, Skellett S, Roberts J, Jani P, Nadkarni V, Wolfe H. Contextual Factors Affecting Implementation of In-hospital Pediatric CPR Quality Improvement Interventions in a Resuscitation Collaborative. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2021 Aug 26;6(5):e455. doi: 10.1097/pq9.0000000000000455.
Frazier ME, Brown SR, O'Halloran A, Raymond T, Hanna R, Niles DE, Kleinman M, Sutton RM, Roberts J, Tegtmeyer K, Wolfe HA, Nadkarni V, Dewan M; PediRES-Q Collaborative Investigators. Risk Factors And Outcomes For Recurrent Paediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study. Resuscitation. 2021 Oct 18;169:60-66. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.10.015.
Lauridsen KG, Morgan RW, Dewan M, Gawronski O, Sen AI; PediRES-Q Investigators. In-hospital cardiac arrest characteristics, CPR quality, and outcomes in children with COVID-19. Resuscitation. 2021 Oct 18;169:39-40. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.10.013.
The next pediRES-Q teleconference will be held on Tuesday, December 14th.
Teleconferences are held on the second Tuesday of every month:
- 3 pm Eastern time zone: Americas and Europe
- 7 pm Eastern time zone: Asia and Australia
Email Cassie Simpson-Dukes ( if you would like to be added to the participant list.
Benchmarking Data for pediRES-Q Sites
Quarterly reports for 2021 Q3 are delayed. We are working out some kinks and hope to get them out by end of November.
Access the pediRES-Q Dashboard to visualize your site's performance as compared to the entire pediRES-Q Collaborative! Select your Site ID and view your site’s current data metrics in the pediRES-Q REDCap database. This feature is password-protected – you must have special permissions to access.
pediRES-Q Enrollment Overview
Below is a list by site summarizing the number of completed entries (Demographic and Cardiac Arrest Event data forms completed) for 2020-2021 (15Nov2021 – 15Nov2021) and Overall (2015 to current).
Entries that are in the process of being QA’d by the DCC are not included in this count.
Not all completed events have CC metric data.
