pediRES-Q Update: April 2018
Greetings from the pediRES-Q Team!
Please be on the lookout for the next set of teleconferences scheduled for:
Tuesday, April 10th.
News and Updates
Thank you to everyone who participated in our teleconferences on March 13th. You can find the meeting minutes for the day on the pediRES-Q site here.
The graphic below depicts updated data snapshots for the month. Sites have been de-identified for privacy purposes, if you have questions regarding which site is yours please contact Rich Hanna. These displays depict:
pediRES-Q Enrollment Tabulation: Tabulated breakdown of enrollment based on age groups and total entries. Additionally gives a depiction of Total CPR Duration per site.
Monthly Event Enrollment: Total enrollment, age-based enrollment, and CPR Minutes recorded over time.
Cumulative Event Enrollment: Total enrollment, age-based enrollment, and CPR Minutes recorded as a cumulative summation over time.
High Risk Checklist Usage: Events in the pediRES-Q database that were pre-identified using the High Risk Checklist; overall High Risk Checklist usage by each site.
QI Compliance: QI bundle participation (number of entries into REDCap by each site).
Outcomes: Number of events with ROSC and Survival-to-Hospital Discharge (SHD) over time.