pediRES-Q Update: February 2019
Greetings from the pediRES-Q Team!
News and Updates
A big SHOUT OUT to everyone who presented at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) conference this past weekend!
Congratulations to Betsy Hunt of Johns Hopkins University for receiving the Clinical Outcomes Research Award for her work on "CPR Coaches - CPR Optimization and ACHievement"
Congratulations to Adam Cheng and David Kessler for their INSPIRE poster presentation on "Influence of CPR Coaching and Provider Roles on Perception of CPR Quality During Simulated Pediatric Cardiac Arrest"
Coming up! At the Society of Critical Care Medicine, San Diego Feb 17-20:
Ivie Esangbedo will be delivering a presentation on "Is Pediatric CPR Quality Worse at Nights and on Weekends?"
All sites contributing cardiac arrest data to the REDCap database should have received a customized Q3 2018 Quarterly Report from Rich Hanna.
Please contact Rich if you did not, or if you wish to provide feedback on what you would like to see in the future. All feedback is welcome and appreciated!
If you require REDCap assistance, log-in support, or any other questions regarding REDCap data management, please contact Jamie Benfield.
GOALS! Once a REDCap entry is begun, it is due to be completed on the 15th of the following month (ex- Entry started on Jan. 2nd; completion due Feb 15th). Exceptions: patient has not yet been discharged (Outcomes form still open); Cold Debriefing has not yet been conducted (Cold Debriefing form still open).
The graphics below depicts data snapshots for January 2019. Sites have been de-identified for privacy purposes. If you have questions regarding individual site performance please contact Rich Hanna -
pediRES-Q Quarterly Enrollment: Per-quarter enrollment, split by age, over time.
pediRES-Q Cumulative Enrollment: Per-quarter enrollment, split by age, as a cumulative summation over time.
Cumulative Zoll Uploads: Total ZOLL file uploads for quality CPR analysis, as a cumulative summation over time.
Quarterly CPR Metrics: CCF, Depth, and Rate among age groups
(2015 to present [mid Q1-2019])
Feedback and recommendations for future reports welcome!
Please contact Rich Hanna.-