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pediRES-Q Update: April 2019

Greetings from the pediRES-Q Team!

News and Updates

  • Congrats to Tia Raymond and Robert Sutton, who each provided webinars hosted by the AHA. Tia presented on "Hospital Rates of Delayed Epinephrine and Outcomes" on Mar 5. Bobby presented on "Physiologic-directed CPR" on March 20.

  • All sites with data prior to 2019 entered in the pediRES-Q REDCap database should have received a quarterly report for Q4 2018. Please contact Rich Hanna if you did not receive this.

  • ​The new quarterly report formatting and additions are thanks in large part to the wonderful feedback we've received from our collaborative. If you have anything else you would like to add or suggest, please let us know!

  • Our collaborative continues to grow and we would like to take a moment to acknowledge the wonderful new institutions to the pediRES-Q community!

  • ​Children's Hospital of Orange County: Orange, California

  • Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health: Indianapolis, Indiana

  • Stony Brook Children's Hospital: Stony Brook, New York

  • Valley Children's Healthcare: Madera, California

  • Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU: Richmond, Virginia

  • Akron Children's Hospital: Akron, Ohio

  • The Children's Hospital at Westmead: Westmead, Australia


  • GOALS! Once a REDCap entry has been initiated, completion is due by the 15th of the following month (ex- Entry start on Jan. 2nd; completion due Feb 15th). Exceptions: Patient has not yet been discharged (Outcomes form will remain open); Cold Debriefing has not yet been conducted (Cold Debriefing form will remain open).

  • If you require REDCap assistance, log-in support, or any other questions regarding REDCap data management, please contact Jamie Benfield -


The graphics below depict data snapshots for March 2019. Sites have been de-identified for privacy purposes. If you have questions regarding individual site performance please contact Rich Hanna -

  • pediRES-Q Quarterly Enrollment: Per-quarter enrollment, split by age, over time.

  • pediRES-Q Cumulative Enrollment: Per-quarter enrollment, split by age, as a cumulative summation over time.

  • Cumulative Zoll Uploads: Total ZOLL file uploads for quality CPR analysis, as a cumulative summation over time.


Quarterly CPR Metrics: CCF, Depth, and Rate among age groups

(2015 to present [Q1-2019])

Feedback and recommendations for future reports welcome!

Please contact Rich Hanna.-

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