pediRES-Q Update: December 2019
Greetings from the pediRES-Q Team!

News and Updates
Thank you to everyone who came out to the pediRES-Q Investigator's Meeting, Global Alliance for Pediatric Resuscitation Conference, and Resuscitation Science Symposium (ReSS)! It was wonderful meeting so many of you and sharing all of the breakthrough work and achievements being done. We hope you enjoyed your time in Philly!
Registration is now open for the 49th Annual Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Congress in Orlando, Florida! Click here to register for February 16th to the 19th!
Early registration ends December 18th
The Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit (previously ECCU) will be taking place December 10th to the 13th conference in Seattle Washington!
Please contact Rich Hanna if your site uses Philips PIIC iX central monitoring systems and has access to the web-based waveform tool!
Our next pediRES-Q Teleconference will take place Tuesday, December 10th.
3pm EDT for North America, South America, and Europe
9pm EDT for Asia and Australia
Once a REDCap entry has been initiated, completion is due by the 15th of the following month (ex- Entry start on Jan. 2nd; completion due Feb 15th). Exceptions: Patient has not yet been discharged (Outcomes form will remain open); Cold Debriefing has not yet been conducted (Cold Debriefing form will remain open).
If you do not already, follow us on Twitter at @pediRESQ!
For sites using Zoll defibrillators and CPR data, we now offer a free to use online application for high-level analysis:
You can access the CPR Report Card Application and instructions on how to use it at:
For comments, questions, and feedback contact Rich Hanna -
The graphics below depict data snapshots for November 2019. Sites have been de-identified for privacy purposes. If you have questions regarding individual site performance please contact Rich Hanna -
pediRES-Q Quarterly Enrollment: Per-quarter enrollment, split by age, over time.
pediRES-Q Cumulative Enrollment: Per-quarter enrollment, split by age, as a cumulative summation over time.
Total Metrics, ROSC & SHD Gauges: As shown in the recent pediRES-Q Teleconference, a new dashboard is in development to display total entries, file uploads, institutions, and rates of ROSC and survival to hospital discharge*
* Note that these include all entries to REDCap, no differentiation between in and out of hospital arrests.
QI Bundle Activity: As shown in the recent pediRES-Q Teleconference, a new dashboard is in development displaying site QI Bundle participation. These pie charts show the number of sites with an active QI bundle program component according to the REDCap database.
PCAC Compliance: Newly added radar charts ("spider grams") depict compliance levels of varying post cardiac arrest care metrics with guideline targets among stratified age categories.
Quarterly CPR Metrics: CCF, Depth, and Rate among age groups
(2015 to present [Q3-2019])
Feedback and recommendations for future reports welcome!
Please contact Rich Hanna.-