pediRES-Q Update: March 2020
Greetings from the pediRES-Q Team!
News and Updates
We hope everyone is staying safe and well during the COVID-19 outbreak. Thank you for all you do in pediRES-Q and around the world!
For all data request needs, you can now find the official pediRES-Q Data Request Form (DRF) available on in the website document library here.
The next pediRES-Q Teleconferences are scheduled for Tuesday, April 14th. Agendas to come!
We recently sent out a survey asking for all sites to fill out access to mechanical CC devices at respective institutions. This will go towards insight on resuscitation care during COVID-19 precautions and will be discussed on the 14th.
Once a REDCap entry has been initiated, completion is due by the 15th of the following month (ex- Entry start on Jan. 2nd; completion due Feb 15th). Exceptions: Patient has not yet been discharged (Outcomes form will remain open); Cold Debriefing has not yet been conducted (Cold Debriefing form will remain open).
If you do not already, follow us on Twitter at @pediRESQ!
You can access the CPR Report Card Application and instructions on how to use it at:
For comments, questions, and feedback contact Rich Hanna -
The graphics below depict data snapshots for March 2020. Sites have been de-identified for privacy purposes. If you have questions regarding individual site performance please contact Rich Hanna -
Quarterly CPR Metric Data: Metric data for CPR quality including CCF, Depth, and Rate by quarterly averages over time. Contact Rich Hanna for displays with Depth guidelines targets.
pediRES-Q Enrollment Totals: Current totals of REDCap activity, quality of CPR analyzable uploads, and contributing centers.
PCAC Compliance: Newly added radar charts ("spider grams") depict compliance levels of varying post cardiac arrest care metrics with guideline targets among stratified age categories.
Feedback and recommendations for future reports welcome!
Please contact Rich Hanna.-